Prepare for the TRAFFIC Exam or just test your knowledge with the "Cross Test" application.
This app can be used free of charge to complete pedestrian and bicycle TRAFFIC tests. Students in categories “A” and “B” can take the test free of charge for a period of 24 hours, and after the end of the 24th hour, if the test is sympathetic, they can use it for a fee. We can provide one week, one month and three months usage, which can be extended after expiration. The user can choose between "Practice Test" and "Exam Test". In the case of a practice test, there is no time limit and the correct answer is visible immediately after the answer. In the case of the exam test, 60 seconds are available for each question, and then the next question appears immediately after answering. After answering the last question, you can view the answers to all the questions.
The database of questions is the same as the current questions of the website, including the new, mobile questions introduced in 2016. In total, it contains more than 3,000 questions, which are constantly changing according to current legislation and exam requirements.
The results of the completed task queues are stored on the device to which the application was downloaded, so they can be viewed later. There is an explanation for most of the questions that will help you understand the correct answer to the question. This can be viewed by clicking on the "Explanation" button. All questions are correct with the law and the content of the actual exam question bank. If you still disagree with the good answer given by the app, please talk to your instructor.
For those who do not read this short description and do not use the application in the spirit of it, we cannot take into account their unjustified negative comments.